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X Start:   X Range:
Y Start:   Y Range:

Animate  t Start:   t End:   t Steps: t =

X Grid:   Coarse divs:  Sub divs: 
Y Grid:   Coarse divs:  Sub divs: 

JavaScript History:

JavaScript Input:



The main requirement is support for the <canvas> tag. Internet Explorer is not expected to work. Recent versions of Safari, Chrome, FireFox, and Opera should work.
Animated graphs currently automatically start on load if steps is greater than 0.
Other functions in the graph are accessible as f[n](...).

e, pi, phi
sqrt2 = sqrt(2), sqrt1_2 = sqrt(1/2)
ln2 = ln(2), ln10 = ln(10), log2e = log2(e), log10e = log10(e)

sin(x), cos(x), tan(x)
asin(x), acos(x), atan(x), atan2(x, y)
hypot(x, y)
pow(b, p), sqr(x), cub(x), sqrt(x), cbrt(x), exp(x), ln(x)
abs(x), floor(x), ceil(x), round(x), min(x), max(x)
sign(x): -1 if x is negative, else +1
step(x): 0 if x is negative, else +1
rect(x): 1 if -0.5 <= x <= 0.5, else 0
rand(): random number in range [0, 1)


Trig functions
Bell functions